Lesson plan
Concept : Cooperative learning
Topic : Office Automation ( MS Excel )
Class: 12
Subject : Computer.
Duration: 35 minutes
Strength: 30
Cooperative Learning
Think , Pair , Share
Focus Of Lesson • In this lesson plan we focus just MS Excel
Significance • A basic review of excel tool bars , functions, cursors , and introduction to the use of formulas and students will create their own MS Excel sheet
Learning objectives •
Students will work in pairs and share knowledge , ideas learning Outcomes with each other ( skill ) •
Pose a question., Allow think time. Have students pair up discuss and share out ( knowledge)
• Give each student a question card , students pair up , ‘ Quiz each other’ then trade cards and find new partner for sharing ideas. ( skill )
• In pairs , pupils discuss a topic , talking one at a time in turns , it is helpful to have an object which can be passed. ( Attitude)
• Computer to create grading rubric ( knowledge) • students fill Quick peer evaluation form . ( skill ) Resources
• Text Book • Internet access from computer lab • Worksheet , photocopies , sample provided by the teacher
• Students will be given a copy of the rubric to refer to while working on this lesson.
Day wise planning
• Day 1 : Introduction of Microsoft Excel
• Day 2 : Introduction to Microsoft Excel presentation • Day 3: Budget Activity
• Day 4: Microsoft Excel Components Quiz and Introduction to Microsoft Excel session survey Day 1. Introduction to Microsoft Excel lesson plan ( 30 minutes)
Student computer setup
• Copy the computer the student folder onto each desktop
• Prepare printed copies of the following
• 1. Introduction to Microsoft Excel students Manual ( from students folder )
• 2. Introduction to Microsoft Excel session survey Instructor Computer setup
• Ensure that the LCD projector and computer are working properly
• Complete the student computer setup on the presentation computer
• Open the following documents on your computer and then minimize them so only your desktop appears
. • 1. Introduction to Microsoft Excel presentation ( from students folder)
• 2. Microsoft Excel screen components Quiz
• 3. Budget activity
In class
• Tell students that Introduction to Microsoft Excel is a two or four hours course designed to familiarize students with terminology , screen components and the most commonly used functions by Microsoft Excel . Emphasis will be placed on file naming and file management conventions , students will create and save a working budget with they may use for their own personal benefits . and showing basics of Microsoft Excel . Like this
Complete Introduction
• Ist ask students if they have any prior experience . Explain that we will only be going over basics because this is an introductory course . Ask about their expectations .. i.e. .what do you hope to learn today ?and define it they will work in pairs and will define all learning objectives
. Day 2 Introduction to Microsoft Excel presentation PPT. ( 25 minutes)
Go through the PPT slides using the information below to guide you Ask students to take notes in students handbook ( dotted lines are provided in the handbook for this purpose) when necessary. Encourage students to stop you if they have any questions.
Learning Goals
• Identify the main parts of the Excel window
• Identify the purpose of the commands on the menu bar.
• Work with the buttons on the toolbar
• Explain the purpose of options available for printing a spread sheet.
• Enter and format text and numbers into cells • Successfully move from one cell to another containing formulas and text
• Copy , cut and paste text and formulas .
• Understand cell references.
• Perform basic mathematical operations in a spreadsheet. Help students open Microsoft Excel on their computers so that they can follow you as you demonstrate the following Excel option on the screen . It may help you to look at a printed copy of the student manual . You can spend more or less time on the options and include options not listed if you know students will be using those for particular reasons. Teacher can also skip options if she feel that students will not benefit. Teacher can tell students that when you meet a second time you will review options and then go over the options that you do not cover during a first session.
• Top of Excel window
Quick access bar
Tittle Bar
Minimize/ Maximize Bar
Tab Bar • Navigation options
I- Beam
Horizontal scroll Bar
Vertical Scroll Bar • File tab options
Save As
Print , Orientation, Scaling Ribbon components ( Tab Bar ) 1. Home Tab Groups
Clipboard Cut , copy , paste
Font Face , color , size , style (B,I,U ), Border , shading Alignment Horizontal, vertical, wrap ,text ,merge cells
Styles ( format as table )
Cells ( format )
Editing Autosome, sort / filter , find/select 2. Insert Tab groups
Illustration ( pictures / shapes)
Charts 3. Page layout table groups
Page setup _ margins orientations
4. Formula Tab groups ( more advanced options -can skip fir most students)
5. Data tab groups ( more advanced options – can skip for most students)
6. Review Tab groups
7. View tab groups
8. View Tab Groups:
freeze panes
Day 3 Budget Activity ( 30 minutes)
Make certain you have a printed copy of Budget activity to follow before you begin to demonstrate the activity while students follow along . Maximize the Budget Activity and tell students to refer to the instructions as they create the monthly budget . Point out the completed budget example
. Now close the Budget Activity.
Open a new Excel document and help students do the same. Use File / save as to save the file to your student folder on the desktop and help students do the same before you begin following the activity instructions.
Step 1. Enter and format text Cell Text to type in Formatting A1
Monthly Income Bold A2
through A19 Your income categories N/A C1 Monthly Expenses Bold C2
through C19 Your expense categories N/A E1 Balance Bold 2. Enter and format numbers Cell Text to type in Formatting B2 through B19 Your income amounts Currency D2 through D19 Your expense amounts Currency Step 3. Enter and format formulas Cell Formula Formatting B20 AutoSum Currency D20 AutoSum Currency E20 =B20-D20 Currency and Bold; Red if negative and Green if positive With your mouse , click on cell A1 and drag until your mouse pointer is on cell E20. Release your mouse . You should have the table highlighted in blue . Under the Home/ Font group , find the borders icon . Use the drop down menu to choose all borders . Additional Online resources and information in student Manual. Show the students the Microsoft Excel online Resources document on the screen have them find the documents in the student folder on their desktop and open it. Ensure they can use the Ctrl/Mouse click to open the links . Then depending on the students skill levels and time constraints, you can choose to cover any additional material in the student manual or on the resource list . Assist students with coping their student folder files to their own USB drive or their own online drive . Day 4 Introduction to Microsoft Excel session survey ( 10 minutes) Ask students to complete the above Introduction to Microsoft Excel session survey and collect these and fill this rubric before students leave . Microsoft Excel screen components Quiz ( 35 minutes) 1. Display the Microsoft Excel screen components Quiz on the screen. 2. Ask students to locate and open the Microsoft Excel screen components Quiz in their students folder on their desktop computers. 3. Face to face interaction Ask students to work in peer or group to complete the Microsoft Excel screen components Quiz . 4. Create a spread sheet of employees payroll in MS Excel Quick peer Evaluation Form Write the names of your partners In the number boxes , then assign your self a value for each listed attribute finally do the same for each of your group members and total of the values. Values : 5. Superior 4. Above average 3. Average 2 below average 1 weak Attribute Myself 1 2 3 4 Participated in group discussions Helped keep the group on task Contributed useful ideas How much work has done Quality of completed work Totals Rubric Category 1 2 3 4 Contribution to group goals Score :_______ Consistently and actively work toward group goals : willingly accepts and fulfills individual role within the peer Work towards group goals without occasional prompting : accepts and fulfills individual role within the peer Work towards peer goals with occasional prompting Work towards peer goals only when prompting. Consideration of others Score:_________ Shows sensitivity to the feelings and learning needs to others ; values the knowledge , opinion , and skill of all group members Shows and Expresses sensitivity to the feelings of others ; encourages the participant of others Show sensitivity to the feelings of others ; encourage the participants of others Needs occasional reminders to be sensitive to the feelings of others. Contribution of knowledge Score:__________ Consistently and actively contribute knowledge; opinions and skills without promoting or reminding Contribute knowledge opinion and skills without promoting and reminding Contributes information to the group with occasional prompting or reminding Contribute information to the group only when prompted Working and sharing with others Score :__________ Helps the group identify necessary changes and encourages group action for change ; does assigned work without reminders Willingly participates in needed changes usually does the assigned work and rarely needs reminding Participates in needed changes with occasional prompting ; often needs reminding to do the assigned work Participates in needed changes when prompted and encouraged always or often relies on others to do the work . Total overall score. Comments.
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