Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Differences between organization and management

Differences between Organization and Management 

Definition of Organization 

George R. Terry ,

" Management is an distinct process consisting of plaining , organizing , actuating and controlling ; utilizing in each both  
Science and arts , and followed in order to accomplish pre determined objectives " 

Definition of Management 

Louis Allen,

 “Organization is the process of identifying and grouping work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority and establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling people to work most effectively together in accomplishing objectives.” In the words of Allen, organization is an instrument for achieving organizational goals. The work of each and every person is defined and authority and responsibility is fixed for accomplishing the same .

● Differences between organization and Management 

1. Organization.
》 Organization’s business is to connect works and staff of an institution Management’s aim is to manage the work done by others according to specific ethics. 
》 It is a component of management.
》Organization works as a neuron of a human body.
》As to the planning, It is the foundation of the workplace.
》Organization is the field of working together staff-groups of every grade of an institution.
》It’s work is Organizational .
》Organizations work expressed through work and applying. 
》Organization is effective machinery for accomplishing company objectives in a team spirit .
》Organization has been termed the keystone on which the entire structure of any enterprise is based.
》Organization’ is the struc¬ture by which a harmonious inter-relation is established between the workers and their work.
》Through organization autho-rity and responsibility are delegated. These are organizational activities.
》Organization is one of the various functions of manage-ment. As a part of management, organization helps it to execute its other functions.
》Organization acts as a tool in the hands of the managers.
》Organization aims at performing the planned activi¬ties through creating proper work environment.
》The setting up of effective organization structure depends on efficient management.

2. Management 

》Management’s aim is to manage the work done by others according to specific ethics.
》 It’s working periphery is comprehensive. Along with planning and organization it also includes: adding of command, direction.
》Management works as a whole body. 
》 It supervises the works execution of staffs according to planning.
》Management is the applying field of given works to higher and lower level staffs.
》It’s work is to convert rules and regulations to wor.Managemental work also expressed through work and apply.
》Management properly executes, it is a execution function.
》for effective functioning of management proper strun cturing of the enterprise is must.
》Management’ is the executive process of getting works accom¬plished by the subordinate employees.
》Management is the sum total of several activities—making plan, setting up organization, giving command and direction, motivating the employees, coordinating and controlling various functions of the enterprise.
》The functions of management are administrative activities.
》With the help of organization the managers perform their duties and responsibilities.
》The objective of management is to supervise the accomplishment of work of the subordinate employ¬ees and to give necessary direction for getting the desired result for achieving the pre-determined target.
》Efficient management largely depends on strong organization.

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